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  • Bronxville Teachers' Association to Hold Annual Food Drive January 23 to February 3

Bronxville Teachers' Association to Hold Annual Food Drive January 23 to February 3


By Meg Weiss, Teacher, The Bronxville School 

Jan. 25, 2017:  The Bronxville Teachers' Association is holding its annual food drive for the Food Bank for Westchester from January 23 to February 3. There will be collection boxes in the elementary, middle, and high school classrooms as well as the Bronxville Middle School offices and libraries.  

On Saturday, February 4, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, middle school students and school staff will be collecting food outside the ACME supermarket. 

  • Please limit contributions to canned goods (such as tuna, beef stew, soup, chili, and beans), food in plastic containers (such as peanut butter, jams and jellies, juice, ketchup, and mustard), and personal hygiene items (such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and soap). 

  • Glass of any kind cannot be accepted.

  • Be sure to check expiration dates. Expired food cannot be used. 

Westy Self Storage in Tuckahoe has generously donated the boxes and tape.  

For questions, please contact Meg Weiss at mweiss@bronxvilleschool.org or Kathryn Marron at kmarron@bronxvilleschool.org

Pictured here (L to R): Julia Brogan and Kathy Marron, last year's contributors to the annual food drive.  

Photo by David Katz, president of the Bronxville Teachers' Association

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