Max McGrath: Is the 'News Fit to Print'?


June 29, 2011:  Historically the news has generally been written by those trying to win admiration or to create a positive legacy often by using falsehoods or by committing the sins of omission.  The spin factor in today's news stories is no exception.  It is abundant nationally and in the local arena.

Story-spinning has been around since man learned what a paintbrush could be used for.  The Egyptians chiseled pharaoh "spins" on every wall available.  Caesar had "Sallust the Historian" (86-35 B.C.) for his very own spin publicist.  To the Romans, the Gauls were the modern equivalent of Libya--a common annoyance.  Sallust's illustrious fabrications placed Caesar on the seat of Rome.  Who says "history doesn't repeat itself"?

This "spin" factor today is so bad it has wormed itself into the reporting of modern-day "big business" to influence stock prices.  Jeff Immelt, GE's chairman, sent a large percentage of GE jobs overseas at a time when employment is so needed in this country.  He was rewarded with an appointment by the present administration as Czar of Job Creation.  Makes perfect sense.

It all ends with the question, "Can citizens, anymore, believe reporting from the news media"?

This is not how I remember news reporting in the '50s and early '60s growing up in the village.  I just had this conversation with "Rocket" Fouch ('62) and Tom "Attila" Hinkel ('61) late last week.  We agreed the Fourth Estate has constitutionally let us down.

The Fourth Estate was written into our Constitution to report to the citizenry what Congress and local legislators were up to.  It placed a sentry on the wall guarding against any power or tomfoolery being plotted.  It was never meant to take partisan stands but left room for free individual opinions of political points of view.

In today's world it appears it's all partisan stances resulting in "spins of omissions" to gather votes over one party versus the other.

Most of you know I was voted by the BHS faculty the most "renowned unproductive student in its history."  I fess up.  It was deserved.  But I was also an ace at current events, which were discussed and debated endlessly at the family kitchen dinner table.

Fred (dad) spent much of his life as a village public servant, and he volunteered during war.  His civic duties as well his responsibilities to the funeral home ensured a busy guy.  He was a moderate Republican on social issues and was honored by then-Governor Rockefeller by being appointed to the committee for the hearing impaired in Albany.

My political bent is Conservative, and when joining that party the political fur flew over the mashed potatoes at dinner.  My mom had to set up a 38th parallel over the butter dish.  Fred and I never agreed on my choice of party or social issues.  He favored some responsible unions, always invoking child sweatshops that hadn't existed for eighty years.  I'm not a supporter of unions that could result in the pop and fresh dinner rolls occasionally taking flight.  I had to be armed with facts to hold up my opinion.  Fred was a master of calling on history for dispute.

It seemed that in that era of Murrow and Cronkite there was no hint of partisan slant being interjected.  These great commentators, like Jack Webb's Sergeant Friday character, wrote "just the facts" in reporting; foreign were personal attacks over viewpoints.

In BHS classrooms there were many current-events "point/counterpoint" discussions, especially during the height of the cold war and those scary Cuban missile crisis days.  The educators of BHS promoted open discussion among the student body even though my opinion and others' were opposite from many of the teachers' progressive bents.  It held great value to me as a student.

My most productive classroom was the dinner table with Fred.  Fred had many kitchen sayings, but my two favorites were: "If you need to boast, there is untruth in the tall grass," and "truth is thicker than water."

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