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Bronxville School Board Candidates, Conniff and Kapoor, Speak about Budgeting, Equity and Inclusion, and Curriculum

By Thomas Hansen, Bronxville NPC

May 5, 2021: On Tuesday, April 27th, the Bronxville Non-Partisan Committee (NPC) hosted a virtual reception to introduce Susan Conniff and Miki Kapoor as the endorsed candidates for the Bronxville School Board.  This event provided an opportunity for members of the Bronxville community to meet the NPC candidates and discuss key challenges and opportunities facing our school in the years ahead.

Current NPC Chair, Richard Gegenwarth, kicked off the evening panel discussion with a brief overview about the organization’s 85-year history, the nomination process and ways the Bronxville community shares feedback.  The NPC vetting process included background checks, reference calls, and in-person interviews with committee members, to ensure the NPC endorsed candidates met the high-standards expected from a School Board Trustee.

Candidate discussion and Q&A

Susan Conniff                   Miki Kapoor


Candidates Susan Conniff and Miki Kapoor had the opportunity to introduce themselves, share a high-level overview of their educational backgrounds, professional experience, the reasons they were enthusiastically running in the May 18th election and how they can make an impact as Trustees on the Bronxville School Board.

In this hour long “meet and greet” discussion, members of the community asked questions to each candidate ranging in topics related to financial planning, fiscal responsibility and budgets, curriculum and considerations keep the Bronxville School at the top of the academic rankings.

Candidate Susan Conniff, a CPA by training, shared some of her thoughts on the budget challenges having attended many of the budget workshop meetings over the past few years.  “This year in particular we are challenging expense assumptions, we’re trying to pay attention to state funding, and also how federal funding is trickling down through state bureaucracy.  She continued, “we are always focused on use of reserves to meet any budget deficits and managing taxes in the village.”

Other topics of interest to the local community included the role of special education and the candidates’ views and vision for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Candidate Miki Kapoor mentioned that it was high school students who initially drove interest in last summer’s successful unity walk. Kapoor noted, “One day, our kids leave this bubble, and when they leave, they leave to a diverse world.  They need to start to understand today that that diverse world thinks differently often than they do, it’s part of helping our kids become future leaders.”

The evening concluded with a reminder to encourage residents to vote on Tuesday, May 18th.

To watch the virtual reception in its entirety please visit here and enter access passcode: AV?194L+

To learn more about the NPC, or to contact us, visit www.bronxvillenpc.com, follow us on Instagram @bronxvillenpc or email us at bxv_npc@yahoo.com.

Photo by A. Warner


Editor's note: As a public service, MyhometownBronxville publishes articles from local institutions, officeholders, and individuals. MyhometownBronxville does not fact-check statements therein, and any opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the thinking of its staff.


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